13 Days

Monday I had my pre-op appointment at the hospital to get registered and have bloodwork done, and today I had a pre-op appointment with my surgeon's office to get my surgery time and instructions for preparation.

It seems like prep for surgery will be pretty easy. I have to do a clear liquid diet the day before surgery, but can do longer if I wish to. I'm supposed to add in a couple clear protein drinks to help that day. I can also have sugar free gelatin and sugar free popsicles. Thankfully, I don't have to do any bowel prep. 😬💩

I am hoping it might get moved earlier but right now my surgery is scheduled for 4:45 pm. I wish it was earlier, but what can you do?

I also got the paperwork all finished for FMLA so that I can take all the time off that I need. Since my job is pretty physical, I am planning on taking a month off. I have been having trouble getting around lately, and with major surgery on top, I do not want to rush myself.

As mom and I were leaving the hospital, we stopped in the gift shop just to take a look, and we found the cutest little fur chonk. His name is Fudge and he is going to keep me company in the hospital.
